
In a dizzying downward spiral, the sky is beautiful and the ground is so far away. What kind of music exists in this space that is so removed from reality?

This project is an interactive music generator made using p5.js for the class Code of Music. It was made through study of chords and music through movement.

This project was featured in the ITP/IMA Winter Show 2023.

The user creates music through gesture. A melody is constantly randomly generated and it changes depending on which key or chord the user is in. The user controls this by moving their hands to a different part of the grid onscreen. The distance between the user's hand also creates a change in voice. Overall, the user is able to create a composition. There are also visuals onscreen that react to the audio playing.

Created with the p5.js, Tone.js, and PoseNet libraries. Drawings created with Adobe Photoshop.